11. - 16. august 2025


Herr Nilsen

Tuesday 15th August 22:00

Herr Nilsen

Tuesday 15th August 19:00

Looking forward without compromise | Oslojazz 2023

Elephant9 is a musical monster out of the ordinary, the likes have not been seen nationally, nor internationally.

Music is at its purest and strongest when it feels free, dynamic and ever evolving. In a time where music - more often than not - is held back by electronic devices, set timeframes and rigid song structures, it’s refreshing to witness the opposite.

The members of the group have a strong history in bands like Bigbang, Shining, Motorpsycho and Supersilent, but it’s within the constellation Elephant9 that these three musicians have been given the ultimate playground to showcase their eclectic tastes and musical abilities.

Through Torstein Lofthus’ thunderous and hazardous drumming, bass player Nikolai Hængsle´s steady, thumping timekeeping, keyboardist and organ player Ståle Storløkken’s rich and uncompromising layers of sounds – they give you sounds and rhythm structures that have made grown-ups cry and laugh in joy.

Elephant9 finds inspiration in music that pushes the envelope, and they are not afraid to look back in time to find inspiration. Still, the band themselves feel no desire in being regarded as “retro”, as they venture into a new chaotic time for music where technology seems to have made people abandon tired descriptions and references.

The mix of their collective preferences and unique musical abilities make Elephant9 stir up a unique, uncontrollable and extroverted sound that aims to entertain and mesmerize its audience.

Ståle Storløkken (organ and synth), Nikolai Hængsle (bass), Torstein Lofthus (drums)

Elphant9 plays two concerts!

Concert 1 starts 19:00

Doors 18:00


Concert 2 starts 22:00

Doors 21:00

