Children's concert: Sarah Camille - Papillon
Forstanderskapssalen, Sentralen
Sunday 11th August 11:30
Papillon | Oslojazz 2024
Oslojazz 2024 starts with a fantastic concert for all ages. Together, we travel to Sarah Camille's universe, where melodies, small stories, rhythms, and memories flutter around each other. Just like the butterfly's wings, the music of Papillon takes us from one thing to another in a transparent and minimalist soundscape, and flies far beyond all kinds of genre boundaries.
Sarah Camille tells stories and sings, Sidiki Camara plays percussion and n'goni, and Jørn Erik Ahlsen Alkanger plays guitar. Along the way, the band would also like to hear the audience's voices. Sarah Camille was awarded the Spellemann Prize for Best Children's Album in 2020 with the album Spor av dråper og røde nebb.
The concert lasts about 40 minutes and is open to everyone, but is probably best suited for children from 4 years and up. The concert is held at 11.30 and 14.00, choose the time that suits you and your loved ones best. Welcome to a wonderful start to this year's Oslo Jazz Festival!
Sarah Camille - song, storytelling, Jørn Erik Ahlsen Alkanger – guitar, Sidiki Camara - percussion
Rune Børø – sound, Jan Erik Holto – lights
NB! Two concerts:
Concert starts: 11.30
Doors: 11.00
Concert starts: 14.00
Doors: 13.30
The concert is produced in cooperation with DKS Viken.