11. - 17. AUG 2024


All booking requests can be sent to info@oslojazz.no. Please provide streaming links and adequate info about your project.

For questions regarding tickets and media contact, contact Head of Marketing and Communication David Jønsson david@oslojazz.no / 41203128.


Oslo Jazzfestival


Boks 183 Sentrum

0102 Oslo

Festival director:

Line Juul: line@oslojazz.no / (+47) 98 63 81 04

Festival producer:

Emilie Hafskjold Thoresen: emilie@oslojazz.no / (+47) 47 61 04 74

Head of Marketing and Communications:

David Jønsson: david@oslojazz.no / (+47) 41 20 31 28
